small business

Setting SMART Business Goals

Setting SMART Business Goals

And just like that, June 30 has come and gone and it’s a new financial year. Like most people around the world, you might have found the 2020/21 financial year to be especially difficult. So with all life is throwing at small business owners at the moment, there is no better time to focus on what you can do to make the most out of the new financial year. But how do you do that? Read on to find out. 2 min read

4 Easy Ways to Get Paid Faster

4 Easy Ways to Get Paid Faster

Question: do you want to get paid faster? The answer is: of course you do! Late payments are still a huge problem for Aussie small businesses and waiting for your customers to pay you can quickly sink a business. So what can you do about it? This month I’ve got 4 easy tips to speed up the payment process and increase the likelihood that you get paid. Read on to find out how. (2 min read)

3 Big Ways Outsourcing Your Bookkeeping Can Save You Money

3 Big Ways Outsourcing Your Bookkeeping Can Save You Money

It’s Saturday night, all of your mates are down at the pub watching the footy and you’re stuck at your desk under a pile of receipts. Sound familiar? Maybe it’s time to outsource your bookkeeping… Read on to find out 3 other big reasons (think $$) you should consider outsourcing your bookkeeping. (1.5 min read)

Top 5 Apps for 2021

Top 5 Apps for 2021

Want to make your life a little bit easier in 2021? There’s an app for that...or 5! This month we are going to go through 5 apps that are going to transform the way you run your small business. (2.5 min read)

Going Digital

Going Digital

A recent Salesforce survey has revealed that customers prefer to shop small to help the economy, but they think small businesses will need better technology to properly serve their customers. With the pandemic making contactless transactions a priority for both customers and staff, there’s never been a better time for your small business to go digital. This month we give you a few tips on what that could look like for your business. (3 min read)