
4 Easy Ways to Get Paid Faster

4 Easy Ways to Get Paid Faster

Question: do you want to get paid faster? The answer is: of course you do! Late payments are still a huge problem for Aussie small businesses and waiting for your customers to pay you can quickly sink a business. So what can you do about it? This month I’ve got 4 easy tips to speed up the payment process and increase the likelihood that you get paid. Read on to find out how. (2 min read)

3 Big Ways Outsourcing Your Bookkeeping Can Save You Money

3 Big Ways Outsourcing Your Bookkeeping Can Save You Money

It’s Saturday night, all of your mates are down at the pub watching the footy and you’re stuck at your desk under a pile of receipts. Sound familiar? Maybe it’s time to outsource your bookkeeping… Read on to find out 3 other big reasons (think $$) you should consider outsourcing your bookkeeping. (1.5 min read)

Cash Flow and QBO

Cash Flow and QBO

One of the biggest killers of small businesses is poor cash flow. It’s a tricky thing to manage, particularly in the beginning but there are many things you can do to increase your odds. As always, QBO has got your back with their new cash flow forecast tool and their auto invoice reminders. Keep reading for your cash flow cheat sheet. (4 min read)

Small Business Resource List

Small Business Resource List

I don’t need to tell you that current events have had a huge impact on small business in Australia. If you’re a small business owner doing it tough in these strange times, you might be focusing all of your energy on staying afloat and don’t know where to turn for help. This month, we’ve put together a list of resources that might be useful for you and your business. (1 min read)

Getting Paid Faster

Getting Paid Faster

Recent data from Xero has shown that Aussie small businesses are seeing a decline in late payments compared to previous years, however most businesses are still being paid late. There are steps you can take to get paid faster - read on to find out how you can encourage your customers to pay on time. (1.5 min read)

6 Simple Cash Flow Tips for Your Small Business

6 Simple Cash Flow Tips for Your Small Business

Having trouble with cash flow and need some ideas on how to tackle the problem? Never fear, this month we’ve got some simple tips for you to sort out your cash flow issues and get your business back on track. (3 min read)