7 Reasons You Need a Bookkeeper

If you’ve ever spent any amount of time doing your books, you will know that it is boring, frustrating and just generally annoying. Enter your friendly neighbourhood bookkeeper - they don’t mind doing your books one bit (in fact, the team at Connective Accounting love doing your books!). Here are 7 reasons why you need to get yourself a good bookkeeper.

  1. Your records will always be up-to-date. Are you guilty of leaving your books until ‘later on’ and then when later on comes, you might do them ‘tomorrow’ or ‘next week’? Get yourself a good bookkeeper and you won’t have to worry about it anymore. They’ll make sure you always have up-to-date info so that you can rest easy.

  2. Your business will always be compliant. Keep the taxman off your back by keeping on top of all of your ATO commitments. Your bookkeeper knows exactly what your business needs to do - which records to keep and for how long and what you need to lodge and when. Don’t risk making a mistake here - trust the professionals!

  3. You will be able to make better decisions. Want to know if you should buy that new piece of equipment or hire that extra worker? Your bookkeeper can give you the tools to make the right decisions by giving you the most accurate and up-to-date financial info. Make sound business decisions quickly by leaning on your bookkeeper.

  4. You will be in the hands of an expert. Are you good with numbers? Do you know what to do when your Balance Sheet won’t balance? Can you figure out how much your business spent on petrol last financial year? Your bookkeeper can! Let the experts handle your books so that you can focus on what you’re good at (like running your business!!) instead of focusing on learning the ins and outs of bookkeeping.

  5. You will have more time. Sick of spending late nights or weekends trying to sort out your receipts? Let a bookkeeper do the work so that you can spend more time doing what you love and less time doing paperwork.

  6. You will save money. Bookkeepers are great at keeping track of who owes you what and when it is due. A good bookkeeper can chase up unpaid invoices so that you get paid faster. Not only that - your accountant will have less work to do (because your bookkeeper has everything looking great!) and so you won’t need to pay them for as many hours.

  7. Your profits could go up! Instead of spending all that time trying to sort out your books, you can focus more on the rest of your business. When you’ve got the time, you can take your business to new levels.

So what are you waiting for? Get yourself a bookkeeper and see the benefits for yourself! We know a good one - drop us a line.