3 Simple Steps to Reduce Your Workload

As small business owners, we tend to be constantly juggling a lot of different things at once and this can be very daunting and time-consuming. Sometimes it can feel like the small, boring, repetitive tasks end up taking up most of our time and it can be hard to get to the jobs you like doing best. If this sounds like you, then Eliminate, Automate, Delegate might be able to help you reassess your workload.

So what is Eliminate, Automate, Delegate? Basically, it is a way for you to simplify the way you approach the many recurring tasks that you are faced with as you run your business.

According to Marc Winn from The View Inside Me, ‘Every repetitive or low value task that you eradicate gets you one step closer to where you want to be. Every moment you free up can be used more productively to achieve your goals and liberate yourself for greater things’.

1. Eliminate

What tasks can you get rid of completely? Decide if the task is actually serving a purpose and adding value to your business. If not, it’s time to eliminate it.


For example, do you toss all of your receipts in a box and then when the time comes are you spending hours sorting through them all? Consider taking photos or screenshots of them as you receive them and uploading them straight away.


2. Automate

Now that you’ve eliminated any unnecessary tasks, what can you automate? If it is a recurring task, is there a program that can do the task for you?


For example, do you send a customer an invoice on the first of every month? Automate this task by setting the invoice to generate and send for you. Does chasing up payments take up a lot of your time? Try setting up email reminders for overdue invoices. Do you check your bank transactions every day? Why not link your bank account to a cloud accounting program for a real-time overview of your business finances.


3. Delegate

Now that you have eliminated and automated some tasks, what can you delegate to others? Are there any tasks that could easily be done by someone else and do not need to take up your time? If yes, it’s time to give these tasks away to someone else.


For example, do you spend a lot of time juggling your employees time sheets, days off and sick days? Consider using an app like TSheets that will allow your employees to upload their own time sheets, request days off and submit sick days.


Now that you have had a close look at your tasks and eliminated, automated and delegated wherever possible, you should hopefully have a lot more time to dedicate to the areas of your business that really need your attention and expertise.

Eliminate, Automate, Delegate & Bookkeeping


You can apply this three step process to many aspects of your business, but in particular, it can be helpful for all of your bookkeeping tasks. Cloud accounting is a great way to reduce your workload, and there are many apps that can be useful as well.


Quickbooks Online allows you to automatically upload receipts, link your bank account, send quotes and invoices, and keep track of your finances in real-time. The great thing about cloud accounting is that you can take it anywhere using your personal device - this will help to ensure that you are using your time wisely and will help you focus your time on other areas of your business.



To find out how we can help you eliminate, automate and delegate some of your tasks, get in touch or sign up to our monthly newsletter.